About our PROJECT

Reconstruction and display of iconic cultural sites with high tourism potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu

General information about the project:

The project is financed from non-refundable European funds, through the INTERREG V-A Romania Bulgaria Program 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 2 – A green region.

Project submitted in partnership:

                -Project leader: Ruse Municipality (BG)

                -Partner: Giurgiu Municipality (RO)

The total eligible budget of the project is 1,426,760.12 Euro:

  • The eligible budget of the project for the Municipality of Giurgiu is 498. 577.94 Euro
  • The eligible budget of the project for the Municipality of Ruse is 938,182.18 Euro

The budget consists of:

                – financing through the European Regional Development Fund in percentage of 85%

                – financing from the State Budget in percentage of 13%

                – it represents the beneficiary’s own contribution to the eligible expenses in percentage of 2%.

                The project “Reconstruction and display of iconic cultural sites with high tourism potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu”, initiated by Ruse Municipality (BG) and Giurgiu Municipality (RO) aims to provide opportunities for the durable usage of cultural heritage and the development of tourism, in order to create long-term socio-economic benefits for local communities. It approaches two important common challenges in the program area, namely the lack of investment in the conservation and modernization of valuable historical monuments and cultural sites in the CBC region, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the insufficient number of tourists, products, services and policies.

                The project includes two emblematic cultural sites on both shores of the Danube – the Pantheon of National Heroes of Ruse and the Giurgiu Fortress. Both tourist attractions need renovation and modernization. Moreover, both refer to the common past of the localities Ruse and Giurgiu, which could be considered a basis for their involvement in modern and integrated tourism products and services. The cross-border approach is certainly the most effective way not only to overcome the problems affecting the rich cultural heritage of the Ruse-Giurgiu cross-border region, which is less popular both nationally and internationally, but also to use its huge potential. The aim of these sites is the development of tourism in the CBC Ruse-Giurgiu region through their common management and promotion.

                The objective of the project is to increase the tourist attractiveness of the CBC Ruse-Giurgiu region by improving the durable usage of cultural heritage that will contribute to the economic well-being of local communities, will stimulate the local economy (especially IMMs) and will lead to a higher level of employment.

Raising public awareness is of great importance for the region’s iconic cultural and historical sites. Both, the Pantheon from Ruse and the Giurgiu Fortress, are currently considered to have a predominantly local and national significance. Therefore, the current project proposal’s authenticity comes from the fact that it will introduce a new cross-border dimension and integrate the sites into a tourist offer of European importance.

                The expected result is to create integrated cross-border tourism products, based on common management and coordination, which represents itself a political innovation for the target area. This way, the capacities of the beneficiary institutions, but also of the relevant stakeholders in the tourism area will be improved in order to restore, preserve and promote cultural and historical goods in a sustainable and attractive way. This implies an unprecedented commitment to bring the inhabitants of the cross-border area together, to motivate them to rediscover their common cultural and historical heritage and to reveal it to the general public, thus attracting visitors from all over the world.

                The general objective of the project will be achieved through the main activities of the project, which will include, among others:

  • the reconstruction of the Pantheon of National Heroes in Ruse and the purchase of multimedia equipment;
  • capitalizing on the area adjacent of the Giurgiu Fortress and integrating it into a tourist circuit by developing and equipping the fortress with modern facilities that indicate the material and spiritual values ​​created by mankind over time, as well as the material and spiritual values ​​of the present;
  • the elaboration of a common management plan for the conservation, development and common usage of the cultural heritage;
  • the developing a common marketing strategy, including joint branding and joint promotion of integrated cross-border tourism products);
  • the elaboration of a catalog and a website which present the iconic cultural heritage in the CBC Ruse-Giurgiu region;
  • the development of an integrated tourist route;
  • information and publicity activities that provide stakeholders with information about the progress and achievements of the project; etc.

                The main expected result after the implementation of this project is to increase the tourist interest in the Ruse-Giurgiu Euroregion, by improving the durable usage of cultural heritage that will contribute to the economic well-being of local communities, will stimulate the economy and will lead to higher employment.  

The expansion of public awareness is of great importance for the iconic cultural and historical sites in the region.

The Pantheon in Ruse and the Citadel in Giurgiu are currently considered to have an important local and national significance. Therefore, the current project proposal’s authenticity comes from the fact that it will introduce a new cross-border dimension and integrate the sites into a tourist offer of European importance.

                Ruse and Giurgiu have been connected over the centuries by common history and culture due to their close territorial positioning, identical political and natural challenges. Despite their proximity and historical ties, they have failed to use the tourism potential of their common cultural heritage and create common tourism products. Thus, the main common territorial challenge, which the project aims to approach, is to provide opportunities for the durable usage of the cultural heritage of the region, to make it more visible and more attractive to foreign and local tourists.

                Nowadays, in the context of the joining of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, both cities are committed to rediscovering and rethinking their common history and promoting it to the public as common tourism products. They focus on two cultural and historical sites with high potential for cross-border tourism, this way aiming to gradually cause a dispersal effect to generate relevant tourism products and services in the CBC Ruse-Giurgiu region.

                Both sites – the Pantheon in Ruse and the Giurgiu Fortress, are negatively affected by natural damping processes and damaged by vandalism. What unites them is that they represent an iconic historical heritage not only for their cities, but also for the Bulgarian and Romanian nations and testify to crucial periods of time that have shaped the history of our common region.

                The Pantheon from Ruse is a national monument to prominent figures of the Bulgarian National Renaissance and the Bulgarian liberation movement. Many of them worked and lived in Giurgiu, which was a center for the Bulgarian revolutionaries before the Liberation of Bulgaria. The Pantheon was opened in 1978 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its liberation from the Ottoman Empire. Today is a must visit for anyone who wants to know about the historical development of the region. The Pantheon building needs renovation and modernization. The project will include the rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the building and the introduction of multimedia equipment (for example, 360-degree multimedia presentation). The interventions are important to preserve its architectural and historical values, making it more accessible, safer and more attractive to tourists.

                On the Romanian side, the project proposes the preparation of the surroundings of the Giurgiu Fortress so that it could be included in the tourist circuit of the region. The Fortress is of major importance for Giurgiu. It has a long history, full of struggles and fights during the defense against the Ottomans and it was first mentioned in documents written in 1409. By developing the area adjacent to the Giurgiu Fortress it will be possible to highlight Mircea cel Batran Street – an emblematic street in Giurgiu from the Fortress to the center of the old town. By implementing the project, tourists will have a direct connection too the old town and the main park in Giurgiu. The activities include the landscaping of the Giurgiu Fortress: pedestrian alleys, gradens, amphitheater, ambient lights, minimal landscape investment, etc.).

                The arrangement of the two sites, their efficient common management and promotion, will represent an impulse for the development of tourism in the CBC Ruse-Giurgiu region and will have a positive impact on its future.

Objective name of investments in Giurgiu Municipality:

“Valorisation of Giurgiu fortresses and integration of this in a tourist circuit”

                On 31.07.2018, Giurgiu Municipality, as beneficiary, signed the Co-financing Contract no. 83.539 with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, within the Cross-border Program INTERREG V-A Romania Bulgaria, for the project “Reconstruction and display of iconic cultural sites with high tourism potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu, e-MS Code RO-BG 424 with the investment objective “Valorisation of Giurgiu fortresses and integration of this in a tourist circuit”

Implementation period: until January 31, 2023.

The general objective of the project for the city of Giurgiu will be achieved by landscaping the premises of the Giurgiu Citadel, more precisely:

  • the arrangement of pedestrian alleys;
  • the placement of gradens in the form of a mini-amphitheater;
  • the placement of a mini-scene;
  • creating lighting specific to historical monuments;
  • placement of safety glass / plexiglass panels with images of the fortress in different stages or historical periods;
  • planting a dwarf vegetable carpet;
  • arranging the access inside the Fortress, etc.

                No intervention will be made on the historical monument at all, all the investment aiming at its enhancement.

                The investment objective is located in Giurgiu Municipality, halfway between downtown and the riviera – Giurgiu harbor, on the S-V corner of the intersection between Digului street and Portului street and has an area of ​​37,550 sqm.

                The land on which the Giurgiu Fortress is located has no distinct use, being considered an undeveloped land. The existing vestiges of the Fortress are covered by spontaneous vegetation and waste collected over the years.

                The project proposes specific arrangements for a pedestrian route and landscaping around the fortress, with minimal interventions required on the monument.

                The fortress is located in a natural riverbed bordered to the north and south by two existing dams (to the south of the dam to Cama Canal, and to the north of the dam – embankment to the neighboring land, owned by CFR). The access on the site will be made on the eastern side of the land from Portului street, the area where specific installations will be placed for tourist and local information on the historical value of the place. On the west side there will be an open-air amphitheater consisting in 9 rows of steps arranged in a circle with a capacity of 350 people. The gradens will be made of ornamental gabions, covered on the upper face with wooden boards, to allow visitors to sit. The gradens will be equipped along the entire length with ambient lighting. The green spaces will be restored through a naturalistic conception, called vegetalization, by planting new species of herbaceous plants. The vegetation will be predominantly low so that the fortress is perceived in its true size (trees and shrubs, perennial plants, etc.).

                In the riverbed and around the fortress, the interventions will be only at landscape level, the riverbed being crossed by pedestrian alleys, the route thus formed will follow the shape of the island from the last historical documentaries. By means of some landscaping landmarks, the lost built or geographical elements will be marked. The current silhouette of the fortress foundation will be highlighted by an architectural lighting system.                 Also, the specific recommendations justified by technical documentation authorized for interventions on grade A monuments, of national importance, according to the List of Historical Monuments 2015 (LMI code GR-I-s-A-14756), limits adopted and endorsed by the National Commission of Historical Monuments. Thus, the degree of conservation of the monument restricts the interventions to a minimum necessary.

Activities in Giurgiu:

1. Project management:

                • 1.1 Establishing the internal project team

                • 1.2 Acquisition of consulting in project management

                • 1.3 Acquisition of equipment for the project team

2. Implementation of common tourism measures and elaboration of tender files:

                • 2.1 Elaboration of a management plan

                • 2.2 Development of a Web site

                • 2.3 Procurement consulting

3. Works and services related to the investment in Giurgiu municipality

                • 3.1 Elaboration of the technical project and technical assistance from the designer

                • 3.2 Works

                • 3.3 Archaeological assistance during the works

                • 3.4 Site management

4. Communication

                • 4.1 Elaboration of advertising billboards

          Name of investment objective in the city of Ruse:

Reconstruction of the Pantheon of National Heroes in Ruse”

          The municipality of Ruse will invest in the reconstruction / renovation of the Pantheon of National Heroes in Ruse, which is part of the national historical heritage and is one of the symbols of the city.

The works will consist of:

                • Reconstruction of the high body of the building;

                • Covering the ring terraces and stands above the main entrance;

                • Ventilation, external heat and waterproofing;

                • Consolidation of the construction of the main entrance and the sewerage;

                • Internal renovation works;

                • Architectural lighting;

                •Exterior lighting;

                • Interior lighting.

          The long-awaited renovation of the Pantheon will extend the life of the building and revitalize it, while it will be dedicated to the integrity of the building and will recognize its importance as a prominent historical landmark.

Activities in Ruse

1. Project management:

                • 1.1 Establishing the internal project team

                • 1.2 Acquisition of equipment for the project team

2. Implementation of common tourism measures and elaboration of tender files:

                • 2.1 Elaboration of an integrated tourist route

                • 2.2 Elaboration of a common marketing strategy, including common branding and promotion of the tourist route

                • 2.3 Delivery and installation of 360 degree multimedia equipment and audio systems

                • 2.4 Carrying out a joint awareness and promotion campaign.

3. Works and services related to the investment in Ruse municipality

                • 3.1 Works

                • 3.2 Site management

                • 3.3 Technical assistance from the designer

4. Communication

                • 4.1 Public events – 2 press conferences in Ruse

                • 4.2 Development of advertising materials

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